The goal of the Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit is to “Keep Neighbourhoods Safe”. This will be accomplished by preventing crime and disorder and identifying shared community values. CPEU supports and empowers communities to deal more effectively with the root causes of crime and insecurity in their neighbourhoods. CPEU is dedicated to provide effective community oriented operational support to front-line officers that encourage participation of neighbours and citizens in increasing their own and others safety, security and well-being.

CPEU is mandated to assist all divisions with resources, tools and initiatives that mobilize the community to become self-directed and empowered thereby increasing its capacity to deal with any real or anticipated threat to peace, safety and security.

Newcomer Engagement

Throughout the years members of CPEU were invited by social agencies, private and public, community groups, and individual community informal leaders to provide presentations to Syrian newcomers who have settled in the GTA. On these occasion officers attended designated locations to meet with community members and provided information in a formal and informal manner, educating newcomers on possible interactions with police officers and navigating the criminal justice system.

Our three main sources of interaction with the community have been facilitated by the City of Toronto Syrian Refugee resettlement Program, YWCA of Toronto and the Levant Settlement Centre.

The team has also engaged through ongoing partnerships and protocols with numerous school boards, community agencies, government agencies and other stakeholders.

Pro-Action Cops and Kids

Members continue to support ProAction Cops and Kids by assisting divisional members with advice and completing applications for submission and consideration. Members contributed significantly to the Amazing Race Initiative and the Annual Golf fund raising tournament.

Members will continue to promote Pro-Action internally and through digital forums available to keep interest in the program at a peak level.

Staff Sergeant Steve Pipe ProAction Cops & Kids Liaison



Hate the Hate -- Report the Crime

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Contact Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit

40 College St., Toronto ON M5G 2J3
Location of the contact address on the map
