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Are You in an Abusive Relationship?
Healthy relationships are based on love, trust and respect for each other. Unhealthy relationships typically start with behaviour that is obsessive in nature and can quickly lead to abuse.Auto Crimes
By taking simple precautions, you can dramatically reduce the risk of vehicle theft or the loss of property from your vehicle.Babysitting Safety
Do NOT treat babysitting as just a way to earn money. Approach the job with a mature and responsible attitude. Every babysitting assignment should be carefully planned to ensure theBicycle Safety & Theft Prevention
But it is important to remember that a bicycle is not a toy - a bicycle is a vehicle under The Highway Traffic Act and thousands are stolen each year.Break & Enter Prevention
Residential "Break-Ins" are Typically "Crimes of Opportunity"Bullying
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying is intended to hurt another person in some way. Both people who are bullied and thoseCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Did you ever wonder how you could make your home or business less appealing to criminals? Properties become targets of crime for a variety of reasons.By practicing the
Distraction Theft
Victims of distraction theft are often chosen because they are elderly, trusting, and may speak little or no English.The offenders generally target people who are walking or sitting
Frauds Against Seniors
Scams targeting older people are now called “the crime of the 21st century”, as they have become so widespread.Seniors are actively pursued by fraudsters for many reasons, including