Police Record Checks

Register for an Adult Police Record Check Apply Here

Inscrivez-vous pour un compte de vérification de casier judiciaire pour adultes. Postulez ici

Already Have An Account? Log In Here to submit a new record check request

Vous avez déjà un compte? Connectez-vous ici pour soumettre une nouvelle demande de vérification de dossier.

Processing Times

As of Feb. 7, 2025, we are currently processing applications:

  • Criminal Record Checks received on Dec. 22, 2024
  • Criminal Record & Judicial Matters Checks received on Jan. 14, 2025
  • Vulnerable Sector Screenings received on Jan. 6, 2025

Please note, there is no rush service for applications.

The Toronto Police Service (TPS) offiers three types of record checks via our online system.

  1. Criminal Record Check
  2. Criminal Record & Judicial Matters Check
  3. Vulnerable Sector Check, which may include Broad Record Check

If you are unsure what type of record check you require, contact the agency/organization requesting the check so they can verify. The TPS does not make the decision on behalf of the organization. Read more about the types of checks below.

A Criminal Record Check (also known as a Level 1 Check or Clearance Letter) is an electronic document issued by the Toronto Police Service that indicates an applicant has no criminal convictions in the National Repository of Criminal Records maintained by the RCMP.

A Criminal Record Check will disclose the following information:

  • Criminal convictions (summary and/or indictable) from CPIC and/or local databases

  • Findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act within the applicable disclosure period

Criminal Record Checks are typically used for:

  • Immigration

  • Employment positions not related to the Vulnerable Sector (retail, trades, banking, etc.)

Criminal Record Checks are not suitable for:

  • Employment/Volunteer positions that are in contact with the Vulnerable Sector (hospitals, daycares, elder care facilities, etc.)

  • National Parole Board or Ministry of Government Services for the purpose of a Record Suspension or Name Change

Only current residents of Toronto (your postal code begins with “M”) can apply.

If you live outside of Toronto, please speak with the police service for the jurisdiction where you live for instructions on how to apply with them.

If you are a resident outside of Canada, you may obtain a copy of your Canadian Criminal Record through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Please visit the RCMP website for detailed instructions and costs: www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/criminal-record-checks.

If you are a youth (under the age of 18) please see our Youth Applications section below for more information
Toronto Police Service will only process applications from youth (anyone below 18 years of age) where employment or volunteering is with the federal, provincial or municipal government of Canada. Youth applications where employment or volunteering is with a non-governmental agency will NOT be processed. Please see below for more information and to determine what a governmental agency is before submitting your application, as any fee charged is non-refundable.

If an applicant has a criminal record with any policing agency, confirmation of identity through fingerprints is required – please see our Fingerprint Requirement section below for more information

If you are applying for a Criminal Record Check as a requirement for a volunteer position, please be advised that there is no longer a payment required in Ontario as of April 1, 2022.

As part of the process and in order to receive your Criminal Record Check free of charge, you must attach a signed letter to your online application, or provide a hard copy if you are applying in person or by mail. Please ensure that this letter: 

  • Is on letterhead of agency you are applying to volunteer

  • Notes your full name and application status

You will need two pieces of government-issued identification – one must include your photograph and signature, and one must include your full name and date of birth.

  • Acceptable forms of government issued identification:
    Photo Identification: Driver's Licence | Government Employment Card | Military Employment Card | Age of Majority Card | Canadian Citizenship Card | Indian Status Card | International Student Card | Passport | Permanent Resident Card | Firearms Acquisition Certificate | Ontario Photo Card | BYID Card (LCBO) | Canadian National Institute for the Blind Card
    Non-Photo Identification: Birth Certificate | Baptismal Certificate | Hunting Licence | Fishing Licence | Ontario Outdoors Card | Hospital Card | Immigration Papers

Please note that Ontario Health Cards cannot be accepted for identification purposes [Health Cards and Numbers Control Act, 1991 section 2.2(1)].

Please note there is no rush service for applications.

  • Apply online (Fastest service)
    • Visit the link at the top of this webpage to submit your application
    • Payment can be made with Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard or American Express
  • In person
    • ​​​​​​​Visit our Information Access counter at our Headquarters, located at 40 College Street. We are open Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, from 7 am to 4:30 pm
    • Administrative fee, if applicable, can be paid with debit or credit at our Information Access counter
  • By mail
    You will need to mail us your completed, signed application form (available below), as well as clear copies of your two pieces of government-issued identification, and your payment, if applicable, which can be paid by certified cheque, business cheque or money order made payable to Toronto Police Service

    Mailing address:
    Toronto Police Service
    40 College Street
    Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
    Attention: Police Reference Check Program

Adults (18 years) Non-Refundable Fees

Employment/Other - $26.72
Volunteer* - No charge

*Application must be accompanied with signed letter on organization letterhead indicating volunteer status

A Criminal Record & Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC), also known as a Level 2 Check, is intended for applicants seeking employment or volunteering with organizations that require a criminal records check, along with a search of outstanding entries and charges. 

A CRJMC will disclose the following information:

  • Criminal convictions from CPIC and/or local databases

  • Findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) within the applicable disclosure period

  • Outstanding entries, such as charges and warrants, judicial orders, peace bonds, probation and prohibition orders

  • Absolute and Conditional discharges for 1 or 3 years respectively

A CRJMC is typically requested for:

  • Municipal Licencing applications

  • Ride-sharing applications

  • Other employment positions (retail, banking, trades, etc.)

A CRJMC is not suitable for:

  • Employment/Volunteer positions that are in contact with vulnerable people (hospitals, daycares, elder care)

  • National Parole Board or Ministry of Government Services applications for the purpose of a Record Suspension or Name Change

Only current residents of Toronto (your postal code begins with “M”) can apply.

If you live outside of Toronto, please speak with the police service for the jurisdiction where you live for instructions on how to apply with them.

If you are a resident outside of Canada, you may obtain a copy of your Canadian Criminal Record through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Please visit the RCMP website for detailed instructions and costs: www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/criminal-record-checks.

If you are a youth (under the age of 18) please see our Youth Applications section below for more information
Toronto Police Service will only process applications from youth (anyone below 18 years of age) where employment or volunteering is with the federal, provincial or municipal government of Canada. Youth applications where employment or volunteering is with a non-governmental agency will NOT be processed. Please see below for more information and to determine what a governmental agency is before submitting your application, as any fee charged is non-refundable./p>

If an applicant has a criminal record with any policing agency, confirmation of identity through fingerprints is required – please see our Fingerprint Requirement section below for more information

If you are applying for a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check as a requirement for a volunteer position, please be advised that there is no longer a payment required in Ontario as of April 1, 2022.

As part of the process and in order to receive your Criminal Record Check free of charge, you must attach a signed letter to your online application, or provide a hard copy if you are applying in person or by mail. Please ensure that this letter: 

  • Is on letterhead of agency you are applying to volunteer

  • Notes your full name and application status

You will need two pieces of government issued identification – one must include your photograph and signature, and one must include your full name and date of birth

  • Acceptable forms of government issued identification

    • Photo Identification: Driver's Licence | Government Employment Card | Military Employment Card | Age of Majority Card | Canadian Citizenship Card | Indian Status Card | International Student Card | Passport | Permanent Resident Card | Firearms Acquisition Certificate | Ontario Photo Card | BYID Card (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) | Canadian National Institute for the Blind Card

    • Non-Photo Identification: Birth Certificate | Baptismal Certificate | Hunting Licence | Fishing Licence | Ontario Outdoors Card | Hospital Card | Immigration Papers

Please note that Ontario Health Cards cannot be accepted for identification purposes [Health Cards and Numbers Control Act, 1991 section 2.2(1)].

Please note there is no rush service for applications.

  • Apply online (Fastest service)

    • Visit the link at the top of this webpage to submit your application

    • Payment can be made with Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard or American Express

  • In person

    • Visit our Information Access counter at our Headquarters, located at 40 College Street. We are open Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, from 7 am to 4:30 pm

    • Administrative fee, if applicable, can be paid with debit or credit at our Information Access counter

  • By mail

    • You will need to mail us your completed, signed application form (available below), as well as clear copies of your two pieces of government-issued identification, and your payment, if applicable, which can be paid by certified cheque, business cheque or money order made payable to Toronto Police Service

    • Mailing address:
      Toronto Police Service
      40 College Street
      Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
      Attention: Police Reference Check Program

Adults (18 years) Non-Refundable Fees

Employment/Other - $26.72
Volunteer* - No charge

*Application must be accompanied with signed letter on organization letterhead indicating volunteer status

A Vulnerable Sector Check (also known as a Level 3 check) is intended for individuals seeking employment or volunteer opportunities with vulnerable persons. A vulnerable person is defined as a person who, because of their age, a disability, or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, are (a) in a position of dependence on others or (b) are otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by person(s) in a position of authority or trust to them.

A Vulnerable Sector Check is typically used for the following types of positions and student placements:

  • Teachers

  • Elder Care

  • Daycare

  • Coaches

  • Nurses

A Vulnerable Sector Check will disclose the following information:

  • Criminal convictions summary or indictable from CPIC and/or local databases

  • Findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act within the applicable disclosure period

  • Outstanding entries, such as charges and warrants, judicial orders, peace bonds, probation and prohibition orders

  • Absolute and conditional discharges

  • Charges that resulted in a finding of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder

  • Pardoned offences authorized under the Criminal Records Act

  • Non-conviction information authorized through Exceptional Disclosure


A Broad Record Check is only available to those who may care for or provide a service to a child or youth under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act 2017 (CYFSA) or the Intercountry Adoption Act 1998 (IAA).

A Broad Record Check will disclose all information listed above and may also contain the following:

  • Every contact where actions were taken against the person under the Mental Health Act, as it was determined that the person was suffering or apparently suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or quality that would likely result in serious bodily harm to them or another person, or in serious physical impairment of themselves.
  • Information about every contact between the person and a police service where there is a written record unless disclosing the information could interfere with a law enforcement matter; person is unaware of the contact, person was a minor at the time of the contact, or information is not relevant to the person’s suitability to perform caregiving duties for a child or to reside in a place where a child is residing and receiving care.

The release of some of the above information may be subject to police discretion and subject to rules pertaining to its release under applicable law.

Please note that we will be accepting these applications as of January 1, 2025. Processing time is 2 to 3 months. If you apply with us online, please download a copy of your receipt by clicking on Shield 5 (payment shield). This receipt can be used as proof that you have applied with us.

Only residents of Toronto (your postal code beginning with “M”) can obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check with the Toronto Police Service.

  • The individual can only apply through a registered agency to the Police Reference Check Program, and must obtain an agency code from their agency’s representative.

  • If you are 14 to17 years old, please see our Youth Applications section below for more information.

  • If an applicant has a criminal record with any policing agency, confirmation of identity through fingerprints is required – please see our Fingerprint Requirement section below for more information.

You will need two pieces of government issued identification – one must include your photograph and signature, and one must include your full name and date of birth

  • Acceptable forms of government issued identification

    • Photo Identification: Driver's Licence | Government Employment Card | Military Employment Card | Age of Majority Card | Canadian Citizenship Card | Indian Status Card | International Student Card | Passport | Permanent Resident Card | Firearms Acquisition Certificate | Ontario Photo Card | BYID Card (LCBO) | Canadian National Institute for the Blind Card | 

    • Non-Photo Identification: Birth Certificate | Baptismal Certificate | Hunting Licence | Fishing Licence | Ontario Outdoors Card | Hospital Card | Immigration Papers

Please note that Ontario Health Cards cannot be accepted for identification purposes [Health Cards and Numbers Control Act, 1991 section 2.2(1)].

Please note there is no rush service for applications.

  • Apply online (Fastest service)

    • Visit the link at the top of this webpage to submit your application – your agency will need to provide you with their agency code in order for you to submit your application

    • Payment can be made with Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard or American Express

  • In person

    • Visit our Information Access counter at our Headquarters, located at 40 College Street. We are open Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, from 7 am to 4:30 pm

    • Your agency will need to provide you with their agency code in order for you to submit your application

    • Administrative fee, if applicable, can be paid with debit or credit at our Information Access counter

  • By mail

    • Your agency will need to provide you with our application form, which must have their agency code on it

    • You will need to mail us your completed, signed application form, as well as clear copies of your two pieces of government-issued identification, and your payment, if applicable, which can be paid by certified cheque, business cheque or money order made payable to Toronto Police Service

    • Mailing address:
      Toronto Police Service
      40 College Street
      Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
      Attention: Police Reference Check Program

Adults (18 years) Non-Refundable Fees

Adoption/Kinship/Family Member/In-home placement - $26.72

Employment - $71.72

Other (ex. Paid Student placement, Professional Licencing, Practicum) - $71.72

Broad Record Check - $71.72

Unpaid Student Placement - $26.72

Volunteer - $26.72

Please note, No Rush/Expedited service is available.

Per Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) policy, the requirement of providing your fingerprints is mandatory whenever the gender and date of birth of the applicant matches to an existing pardoned sexual offence record.

This is not an accusation of criminality, but is required to verify the person’s identity and to protect personal privacy.

The RCMP will require you to follow this process with every new Vulnerable Sector Check application you make. The Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Service destroys fingerprint submissions when the search is completed and verification is made. The results of your verification are never retained.

Further information on the RCMP policy is available on their website here (opens in same window).

If there is a match of your gender and date of birth to one or more individuals on the RCMP’s pardoned sex offender database, the Toronto Police Service will send you correspondence with the following two options:   

Option 1

You may attend Toronto Police Headquarters at 40 College Street to have your fingerprints taken. This service is by appointment only.  

We have appointments available Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 12:40 p.m., excluding holidays. The appointments are in 20-minute increments, with the last appointment being from 12:40 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Fingerprints will be processed as quickly as possible. We will not be able to proceed with your background check until this is done.

Vulnerable Sector Fingerprint Fee:

  • The fee for this service is $25.00 mandated by the RCMP (note that the RCMP does not exempt charges for student placement or co-op placements) and must be remitted to the Police Service at the time of your attendance.

  • Methods of payment include Credit/Debit card, Money Order or Certified Cheque made payable to the Toronto Police Service.

  • Cash will not be accepted.

Fee exemption applies to Vulnerable Sector bona fide volunteer applications only. To qualify for exemption from the $25.00 fingerprinting fee, you must bring correspondence from your organization indicating that you are being placed in a bona fide volunteer position, when attending to be fingerprinted. The correspondence must be signed and on the organization’s letterhead.

Please bring the following to your appointment:

•     1 piece of Government-issued photo identification with your name and date of birth (e.g., Driver’s License, Passport, Citizenship document, etc.)

•     Your form of payment in the amount of $25.00

Option 2

You may attend a RCMP-Accredited private fingerprinting agency. You can locate private companies via an internet search using the term 'fingerprinting'.

Should you use a private company, you MUST ensure the following:

  • The private company is accredited by the RCMP to take fingerprints*.

  • You must confirm before and upon appointment that the private company you select can take fingerprints for Vulnerable Sector Check purposes.

  • The private company must ensure that the RCMP references your TPS file number shown on your application (e.g., #20230303 - 122828; #20230415 - 564, etc.) in the response. Please note and bring this File number to your appointment for reference.

  • The private company ensures that the RCMP returns the results of these fingerprints directly to Toronto Police Service at the below address.

    • Toronto Police Service
      40 College Street, 4th Floor
      Toronto, ON, MSG 2J3
      Attention: Records Release (VSC fingerprints)

*RCMP-Accredited fingerprinting agencies are privately owned/run businesses and have no affiliation with the Toronto Police Service. Any fees charged by these private agencies are at the individual's expense. Once the results of the fingerprints are received in our office, we will complete your VS check and correspondence will be sent/mailed to you.

A response to the correspondence received from TPS is required within 60 days of its receipt and must advise of your option chosen or your application may be considered abandoned.

Non-conviction dispositions include, but are not limited to, absolute or conditional discharges, charges that have been withdrawn or dismissed, stays of proceedings and acquittals.

An applicant may, upon receipt of the results of a Vulnerable Sector Check, seek to have some or all the information of non-conviction entries excluded. 

Such a request must be made by the individual in writing and submitted to:

Toronto Police Service
Attn: Information Access Reconsideration Panel
40 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2J3

All of the following information will be considered by the Service in processing a request for the exclusion of records:

  1. The seriousness of the alleged behaviour.

  2. The passage of time since the record was created.

  3. Relationship between the applicant and any victim or complainant (position of trust or authority).

  4. Age of the victim or complainant.

  5. The strength of the evidence (aggravating or mitigating), including whether the victim or complainant has made similar complaints against others.

  6. Other contact the applicant has had with the police.

  7. The need to balance the privacy rights and the right to employment of the applicant with the need to protect the vulnerable sector.

The individual will be informed in writing of the decision of the Service in response to his or her request for reconsideration. If the individual is dissatisfied with the response provided, the individual may seek to appeal the decision by the Reconsideration Panel within 30 days. The individual may provide additional information to address the factors in regards to this appeal.

If the applicant was fingerprinted, they should also apply for fingerprint, photograph and records of disposition destruction. For further information and instructions visit the Fingerprint Destruction webpage here.

Organizations that deal solely/directly with vulnerable persons wishing to direct their employees or volunteers to Toronto Police Service to complete a Vulnerable Sector Check must register with our Service. A Terms of Service agreement is required.

In order to receive a registration package for your agency, please write a letter on your company letterhead outlining your interest in joining the Police Reference Check Program (PRCP).

The letter of interest must include:

  • Agency’s full name

  • Agency mailing address and telephone number

  • Email address

  • Description of your organization and how it connects with the vulnerable sector

You can begin the process by email or mail:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Toronto Police Service - Police Reference Check Program
    Attn: Group Leader
    40 College Street
    Toronto, ON
    M5G 2J3

The Police Reference Check Program (PRCP) may ask for additional information / documentation to determine if your agency is qualified for our program.

Upon receipt, PRCP will send you a registration package via email; including information about the program and our Terms of Service.

Applicants under 18 years of age can apply for a police record check if seeking employment or volunteering with the federal, provincial or municipal government of Canada. Youth applications where employment or volunteering is with a non-governmental agency will NOT be processed.

If you are unsure what type of record check you require, contact the agency/organization requesting the check so they can verify. The TPS does not make the decision on behalf of the organization.

Youth applications can sometimes be done without a fee. Please read below to know how to submit applications as fees are non-refundable.

Criminal Record Check or Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check

Toronto Police Service will only process applications from youth (14 to 17 years old), where employment or volunteering is with the federal, provincial or municipal government of Canada. Youth applications where employment or volunteering is with a non-governmental agency will not be processed. Please see below for more information and to determine what a governmental agency is before submitting your application, as any fee charged is non-refundable.

Vulnerable Sector Check

Toronto Police Service will only process applications from youth (14 to 17 years old) where employment or volunteering with the vulnerable sector is with the federal, provincial or municipal government of Canada. The government agency seeking the check must be a Toronto Police-approved Vulnerable Sector Agency and provide you with a code required to proceed with the application process. Youth VSC applications for employment or volunteering with non-governmental agencies will NOT be processed. Please see below for more information and to determine what a governmental agency is before submitting your application, as any fee charged is non-refundable.

Register for a Youth Police Record Check Account

Already have a youth account? Log in here to submit a new record check request

If you are applying for a Criminal Record Check, or a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check as a requirement for a volunteer position with a government agency, please be advised that there is no longer a payment required in Ontario as of April 1, 2022.

As part of the process, you must attach a signed letter to your online application, or provide a hard copy if you are applying in person or by mail. Please ensure that this letter: 

  • Is on letterhead of agency you are applying to volunteer

  • Notes your full name and application status

You will need two pieces of government issued identification – one must include your photograph and signature, and one must include your full name and date of birth

  • Acceptable forms of government issued identification

    • Photo Identification: Driver's Licence | Government Employment Card | Military Employment Card | Age of Majority Card | Canadian Citizenship Card | Indian Status Card | International Student Card | Passport | Permanent Resident Card | Firearms Acquisition Certificate | Ontario Photo Card | BYID Card (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) | Canadian National Institute for the Blind Card

    • Non-Photo Identification: Birth Certificate | Baptismal Certificate | Hunting Licence | Fishing Licence | Ontario Outdoors Card | Hospital Card | Immigration Papers

Please note that Ontario Health Cards cannot be accepted for identification purposes [Health Cards and Numbers Control Act, 1991 section 2.2(1)].

  • Apply online

    • Visit the link above to submit your application

      • If you are applying for a Vulnerable Sector Check, your agency will need to provide you with their agency code in order for you to submit your application

    • Payment can be made with Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard or American Express

  • In person

    • Visit our Information Access counter at our Headquarters, located at 40 College Street. We are open Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, from 7 am to 4:30 pm

      • If you are applying for a Vulnerable Sector Check, your agency will need to provide you with their agency code in order for you to submit your application

    • Administrative fee, if applicable, can be paid with debit or credit at our Information Access counter

  • By mail

    • For a Criminal Record Check or a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check application, please print the application form below

    • For a Vulnerable Sector Check application, your agency will need to provide you with our application form, which must have their agency code on it

    • You will need to mail us your completed, signed application form, as well as clear copies of your two pieces of government-issued identification, and your payment, if applicable, which can be paid by certified cheque, business cheque or money order made payable to Toronto Police Service

    • Mailing address:
      Toronto Police Service
      40 College Street
      Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
      Attention: Police Reference Check Program

Youth are only allowed to apply for police reference checks if seeking employment or volunteering with the federal, provincial or municipal government of Canada. Below are some examples of these different levels of government.

Federal Government

Provinical Government

  • For list of Provincial Ministires, click here

  • For list of Provincial Agencies, Boards and Commissions, click here

Municipal Government

  • City of Toronto departments
  • For list of City of Toronto Agencies & Corporations, click here

Other Governmental Agencies

  • Royal Ontario Museum, Universities, Colleges


Please note: The information provided on this page only references some examples of federal, provincial and municipal Canadian governmental agencies and by no means constitute a comprehensive list of these agencies.

If you still have questions, please reach out to [email protected]

Please note, all fees are non-refundable.

Criminal Record Check
Goverment Employment - $6.72
Government Volunteer - No charge

Criminal Record Check and Judicial Matters Check
Goverment Employment - $6.72
Goverment Volunteer - No charge

Vulnerable Sector Check
Goverment Employment - $6.72
Goverment Volunteer - $6.72

Please note: Rush/Expedited service is not available


You can learn more about accessing about more types of police records and services that you can access in dropdowns below.


  • Can I submit a police check application through the mail?
  • How do I apply for a police record check?
  • How long will it take to process my application?
  • How do I pay?
  • Can I re-use a Police Record Check when applying for another position or would I need to repeat the entire process?
  • Can a police record check be scanned and emailed to the Reference Check Program?
  • Is applying online faster than applying in person?
  • If I live outside of Toronto, can I apply for my record check?
  • Why do I need to create an account to apply online?
  • My police check results are no longer available online?
  • I forgot my username for my account, what can I do?
  • How do I get a copy of my receipt?
  • I live outside the country, how can I apply?
  • When I try to log in I get the message "Unable to locate account"?
  • I forgot my username for my account, what can I do?
  • I can't remember my password, what can I do?
  • My PDF reference check results are password protected, how do I access it?
  • How do I get a copy of my receipt?
  • My Account has been locked for 24 hours. What happened?

There are thousands of community agencies who require police record checks for their applicants for employment, learning and volunteer opportunities.

An online system has been put in place to make it easier for Community Agencies to facilitate police checks by providing their applicants with their unique agency code to be used for paper-based as well as online applications.

Community organizations that have not received login credentials to the new online system should email [email protected] to request a code.

There will be four police checks that can be completed online:

  1. Criminal Record Checks (CRCs)

  2. Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Checks (CRJMCs)

  3. Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSCs), which may include Broad Record Checks.

Read the provincial guidelines below on how to identify the right police record check.

Information Sheet to Assist Identifying Police Record Check

Please note that some documents might not render correctly in your browser. For best experience, download/save the document to your desktop first.

What you as a participating agency need to know:

  • Police check applicants will be able to complete the entire process online improving response times and giving applicants ability to track submissions
  • Community Agencies will no longer be responsible for verifying identification

  • Agencies will be assigned a unique code to give to applicants

  • Applicants can opt to send their records checks to agencies electronically

  • There is a new additional fee of $6.72 for applicants

  • There is a new form for those continuing to use mail or visit in-person available September 5 at www.tps.to/police-checks


New Online Portal for Agencies

The new application will be hosted by a third party vendor, Forrest Green Solutions, who have sent an email regarding your login credentials and your unique agency code. The email will come from [email protected], please check your junk/spam folders in case this email has been filtered out.  

Read the Terms of Service for the use of the online police record checks.


Individual Applications Only

The Toronto Police Service is no longer accepting multiple applications submitted by an agency. We require that each applicant submit their own application form, identification and payment, either online, in person or by mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do we get our agency code?
  • Do applicants need to apply online?
  • When did the new police check system start?
  • How do applicants apply for a vulnerable sector check online?
  • Are there any new costs?
  • How long does it take to process a police reference check?
  • My agency is registered with TPS but we are unable to find our agency code/program number – how do I access it?
  • How I can register additional staff from my agency to access our agency profile?
  • Can a person below the age of 18 get a police check?
  • How can applicants share their results with my agency?
  • Can the agency view who has applied with their program number?
  • Can the agency view the status of an applicant’s vulnerable sector check application?
  • Can I print police check results?
  • What are acceptable forms of identification for applicants?
  • Can my agency pay for an applicant's Vulnerable Sector Check or other police check?
  • How do I know the police check results I receive are real?

As per Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) policy, the requirement of providing your fingerprints is mandatory for positive identification before criminal records are released. Therefore, if you’ve had any criminal history with any policing service, verification of your fingerprints is required before your application can be processed.

To proceed with your application you must contact a private fingerprinting company that is accredited with the RCMP in order to be fingerprinted.

Information on how to obtain fingerprints for a criminal record check is available on the RCMP website here.

The Toronto Police Service does not provide fingerprinting services for this purpose.


Once you have received your fingerprint results from the RCMP, you have two options:

Option 1   

Scan and upload the RCMP results directly to your file. To do so, please follow the instructions below:

  • Scan the RCMP results and save it to your computer (ensure the scanned results are clear and legible);

  • Log in to your online account to review your application status;

  • Click on shield #2 where it says "documentation required";

  • It will ask you to upload the required documents;

  • You can hit "browse" to find the letter on your computer;

  • Hit "upload";

  • You will receive a message stating the images were uploaded and your record check is in the queue to be processed;

  • Once our employees manually review and determine your scanned information is acceptable, you will receive an e-mail stating we have received your documents.

Option 2   

Return the original RCMP results letter along with your Toronto Police Application number (e.g., #20230303 - 122828; #20230415 - 564, etc.) to the below address:

Toronto Police Service
40 College St, 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2J3
Attention: Police Reference Check Program (RCMP results)


Further information on the RCMP policy is available on their website at www.cpic-cipc.ca.

Information regarding the RCMP’s Civil Fingerprinting Services can be found at www.rcmp.gc.ca/cr-cj/fing-empr2-eng.htm

The TPS also conducts the police record checks listed below but they are presently not available online:

When applying to change your name through the Government of Ontario, you may be required to submit a police record check along with your application. Please note that we only accept these applications from individuals 12 years of age and above, if they are required as a part of your name change application with the Government of Ontario.

Please review the Government of Ontario website at ontario.ca/page/change-name for further information on how to change your name and when you are required to request a police record check.

If you are required to get a police record check for the purpose of a name change please follow the following steps to apply:

Applying in Person

  • Print, fill out and bring the Name Change Record Check form below to Toronto Police Headquarters, 40 College Street.

  • Must present 2 pieces of government-issued identification, one bearing a photo, full name, and date of birth.

  • Pay the administrative fee of $45.00 by debit/credit/certified cheque or money order made payable to the Toronto Police Service (this administrative fee does not apply to individuals under the age of 18).

Applying via mail

  • Print and fill out the Name Change Record Check form below

  • Must enclose clear copies of 2 pieces of government-issued identification, one bearing a photo, full name, and date of birth.

  • Include administrative fee of $45.00 by certified cheque/money order made payable to the Toronto Police Service (this administrative fee does not apply to individuals under the age of 18).

Mailing address:

Toronto Police Service
40 College Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
Attention: Police Reference Check Program


Name Change Record Check Consent

Please note that some documents might not render correctly in your browser. For best experience, download/save the document to your desktop first.

When applying for a Record Suspension, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) requires a local records check to be performed in every policing jurisdiction that you have resided in for the past 5 years.

Once an individual has received their fingerprint results issued by the RCMP they can then request a Local Police Records Check.

Applying in Person

  • Must supply their fingerprint results issued by the RCMP including criminal record

  • Must supply the Local Police Records Check Form and authorize the Toronto Police Service to perform the required check (download below)

  • Must present 2 pieces of government-issued identification, one bearing a photo, full name, and date of birth

  • Pay the administrative fee of $45.00 by debit/credit/certified cheque or money order made payable to the Toronto Police Service

Applying via Mail

  • Must supply their fingerprint results issued by the RCMP including criminal record

  • Must supply the Local Police Records Check Form and authorize the Toronto Police Service to perform the required check (download below)

  • Must enclose clear copies of 2 pieces of government-issued identification, one bearing a photo, full name, and date of birth

  • Include administrative fee of $45.00 by certified cheque/money order made payable to the Toronto Police Service

Please note: If using a 3rd party organization to assist in applying for a Record Suspension, the organization must supply a signed letter of authorization for our office to re-direct the results.

Mailing address:

Toronto Police Service
40 College Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
Attention: Police Reference Check Program


Local Police Records Check

Please note that some documents might not render correctly in your browser. For best experience, download/save the document to your desktop first.

A non-parental custody check allows a police record check for people seeking custody of a child. Please note that we only accept these requests from current Toronto residents.

Applying in Person

  • Must supply the non-parental custody form (provided by Ontario Courts)

  • Must present 2 pieces of government-issued identification, one bearing a photo, full name, and date of birth

  • Pay the administrative fee of $15.00 by debit/credit/certified cheque or money order made payable to the Toronto Police Service

Applying via Mail

  • Must supply the non-parental custody form (provided by Ontario Courts)

  • Must enclose clear copies of 2 pieces of government-issued identification, one bearing a photo, full name, and date of birth

  • Include administrative fee of $15.00 by certified cheque/money order made payable to the Toronto Police Service

Mailing address:

Toronto Police Service
40 College Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2J3
Attention: Police Reference Check Program

Return to TPS Services webpage

Contact Information Access

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 416-808-8244 – can be reached Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.

In person:

  • Information Access Counter is open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.

By Mail:

Toronto Police Service
Attn: Information Access
40 College Street, 4th floor
Toronto, ON
M5G 2J3

40 College St. Toronto ON M5G 2J3
Location of the contact address on the map
Notice of Collection

Personal information is collected subject to your written consent under the authority of sections 6.3(2) and 6.3(3) of the Criminal Records Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.C-47 (as amended), section 2(1)(a) of the Criminal Record Regulations, SOR/2000-303 (as amended), and sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015, S.O. 2015, Chapter 30, and will be used to verify your identity and to conduct your requested police records check and/or vulnerable sector check. 
