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Local News

Service Members Helping Others Over Holidays

Toronto Police Service members reached out to many people over the holidays providing much needed support and brining some special treats for kids. As part of its Christmas Toy Drive, Project Hope delivered new toys and essential items to 1,100 children and 500 adults who are newcomers to Canada on...

Auxiliary Toy Drive in Scarborough

The Auxiliary Toy Drive is collecting toys until Friday, December 13. “There is a need to help those that are less fortunate,” said 42 Division Constable Erica Blackbird, who is spearheading the Toy Drive. “This is a team effort to ensure that kids in the Scarborough area have an enjoyable...


toy drive

Unifying with Faith Community

Led by Chief Myron Demkiw, Toronto Police Service officers joined interfaith leaders and community members in Prayer Walks across the city on October 24. “We are doing this walk so we can focus on unity so that we can protect our communities, so we can heal in our communities and...

Community Helps Most Vulnerable

Community members and policing partners were honoured for their selflessness with Toronto Police Community Members awards on September 10. “These are courageous and passionate Toronto residents living and working here in our city who, in difficult times, stressful and sometimes dangerous situations, maintained their composure and took action,” said Deputy...

Crime Prevention

Learn More About Crime Prevention

Community Resources


Notification of Intent to Hold a Parade

Notice of Demonstration

Book A Divisional Community Room

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Hate the Hate -- Report the Crime

42 Division Scholarship Information and Application

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The Toronto Police Service is making the public aware of a telephone scam in which individuals are fraudulently posing as police members. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be a police member, please call the contact number back to verify. If you become suspicious or suspect a fraud has taken place, please report it to police at 416-808-2222, or using our online reporting system.

Key Contacts

Superintendent LeeAnn Papizewski Unit Commander


Find Your Neighbourhood Community Officer


Report Traffic Issue or Concern


Report Illegal Parking


Contact 42 Division

24 hours/day, 7 days/week

242 Milner Av. E., Toronto, ON M1S 5C4

Key Contacts

Location of the contact address on the map
