A divisional community room may be used as a meeting space for a variety of purposes related to public safety and policing, including:

  1. Community Consultative Community meetings
  2. Seminars or workshops hosted by not-for-profit community organizations operating within the boundaries of the requested Division
  3. Community/Neighbourhood meetings


How to book a divisional community room

  1. Download the Divisional Community Room Booking Request Form (TPS #989) below, or request a hardcopy at the Division associated to the request for meeting space.
  2. Complete the form with all the relevant information.
  3. Review the associated Terms of Agreement and sign as indicated.
  4. Organizers must confirm by checking the “I agree” checkbox on page 2, that they will adhere to the City of Toronto’s Human Rights and Anti-Harassment/Discrimination and Hate Activity policies, as well as the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  5. Email, drop off in person, or mail in a copy of the signed form to the Division associated to the request for meeting space.

Please note that:

  • Approval is at the Divisional Unit Commander’s discretion. In the event of exigent circumstances at the time of the Event, the needs of the Service or other emergency services shall take precedence.
  • It is the responsibility of the Requestor to follow-up with the Division to determine if the booking request has been approved.
  • All cancellations or revisions received after scheduled business hours (Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00hrs) will be processed the following day.
  • Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
    • Sporting events
    • Political campaigns
    • Gaming
    • Gambling
    • Child care
    • For profit


Book A Divisional Community Room

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