Missing Persons

The Toronto Police Service investigates more than 4,000 missing person cases each year and the goal is to verify that every person reported missing is safe.

As soon as you can't find someone and are concerned for their safety, report them missing.

How Do I Report a Missing Person?

  • Call 9-1-1 if you are concerned about their immediate safety

  • Call the non-emergency line: 416-808-2222

  • Attend a police station (find your local division/station)

If I Am Missing

  • Remember, being reported missing is NOT a criminal offence

  • Contact the police or visit a police station - police officers cannot close the investigation until your safety is verfied

  • Police will protect your privacy and not share information without consent

Investigators will not close the missing person’s file until they have verified the location and identity of the missing person.

  • Officers begin investigating immediately.
  • Officers at the police division where the person was reported missing will lead the investigation with the support of units across the Service as necessary.
  • All missing person cases are monitored and supported by specialists from the Homicide & Missing Persons Unit.
  • Officers will complete a risk assessment, obtain a photo of the missing person, search the home and immediate area, and canvas for video and witnesses.
  • Officers will file a report and you will be provided with a report number. A primary investigator will be assigned and the risk assessment forms will be reviewed and risk will be reassessed on an ongoing basis.
  • Social workers may be offered to you as a resource.
  • Additional searches will be conducted where applicable and if specialized units are required for support, they will be deployed as necessary – this may include a command post to establish and coordinate searches as required.
  • If the person is missing beyond 30 days, it will be deemed a major case. Officers will continue investigative processes until all leads and efforts are completely exhausted.
  • Once the person is located, officers will attend their location and speak with the missing person to ensure their safety.
  • Support services may be offered to a located person.
  • The reportee will be notified.
  • The police report will be updated and the case will be concluded.

How to help investigators

Officers may ask you to provide some information about the missing person, which will be helpful during the investigative process.

Some of the questions you may be asked include:

Personal Information
  • Their name, date of birth, age, sex, gender expression and birthplace
  • Physical build, height, weight, hair colour, length and style
  • Eye colour, corrected vision, and glasses, style and type, if applicable
  • What they were last seen wearing
  • Frequently worn clothing, footwear, jewellery
  • Ethnicity, complexion, scars, tattoos or piercings
  • Communication skills and languages spoken
Medical History
  • Known medical condition(s), health condition and allergies
  • Medication(s), dosage, frequency and pharmacy location
  • Doctor’s name and phone number
  • Medical and other counselling professionals’ names and phone numbers
  • Dentist name and phone number
  • History of drug use
  • History of surgeries
  • Known psychological issues
Background Information
  • Home Address
  • Cellphone number and service provider
  • Email Address
  • Bank and credit card providers and account numbers
  • Social Insurance Number, health card number and MedicAlert ID
  • Passport(s) or travel documents
  • Means of transportation or familiarity with public transit
  • Vehicle make, model and year
  • Social media details, including their profiles and frequently visited websites
  • School and/or workplace locations
  • When and where were they last seen?
  • Who was the last person to see and/or talk to them?
  • Have you noticed any recent change in behavior?
  • Have you had any recent conversations prior to their disappearance?
  • Have they experienced any personal, familial or emotional difficulties?
  • Are there any notable items missing or left behind (i.e., passport, wallet, phone, computer, favourite possessions)?
  • Did they take any pets with them or did they leave any pets behind?
  • Have they gone missing before? If so, where were they found in the past?

How can I help find a missing person?

It's important to keep police updated about a missing person investigation. If you have any updates for police, please call 416-808-2222.

  • Contact family and friends to ensure the missing person has not made other arrangements
  • Contact local hospitals
  • Contact their school and/or employer
  • Check places the person usually goes
  • Monitor their social media accounts for activity
  • Update the police with new information

Call police at 416-808-2222 if you find a missing person.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person?
  • Do I have to be a family member to report a missing person?
  • Do the police start looking for a missing person right away?
  • Will police investigate a missing adult with a long history of going missing?
  • Can children be reporting missing?
  • Is reporting a person missing inconvenient to police to investigate?

Additional Resources

Social Media

Stay connected to the Toronto Police Missing Persons team and their investigators on social media platforms:


External Organizations
  • Victim Services Toronto provides immediate, confidential support for any person who has experienced crime or sudden tragedy 24/7.

  • The National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains is Canada's national centre that provides law enforcement, medical examiners and chief coroners with specialized investigative services in support of missing persons and unidentified remains investigations.

  • The Canadian Centre for Information on Missing Adults (CCIMA) is a bilingual online resource that acts as an information and referral centre for Canadian families and friends of missing individuals. CCIMA is a cooperative project between the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime and Ontario’s Missing Adults. The goal of CCIMA is to provide Canadian families with useful and practical information to help them cope with the realities arising from having a missing adult loved one.

More Toronto Police Missing Persons Resources

Missing Person Awareness Day provides an opportunity for us to raise awareness of processes followed for missing person cases while breaking down some perceived barriers to reporting.

“The day is designed to bring awareness to all missing persons and the seriousness of these investigations, we also want to highlight the improved practices of the Service that we hope will regain the trust of those most affected by these investigations," says Detective Shona Patterson, Homcide & Missing Persons Unit.

Why February 3?

This day came about as a result of Missing and Missed – Report of the Independent Civilian Review into Missing Person Investigations. While many of the 151 recommendations suggest systemic changes relating to missing person investigations, one recommendation indicated that the Service should conduct Missing Person Awareness Days.

February 3, 2024 marked the inaugural Toronto Police Service Missing Person Awareness Day. February 3 was chosen in consultation with our Missing and Missed Implementation Community Representatives, in part, because it coincides with National Missing Person Day, which is held on February 3 each year in the United States.

Homicide & Missing Persons Unit

Missing person investigations are overseen by a dedicated, centralized group of invesigators within the Homicide & Missing Persons Unit.

These investgators monitor all missing person cases in Toronto and offer resources and expertise to investigators at police divisions to help find people quickly.

Specialized units and additional officers are available to assist with missing person searches.

Contact Missing Persons

40 College St., Toronto, ON M5G2J3
Location of the contact address on the map
