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Local News

Zivcic Memory Brings People Together

Standing amongst dozens of police officers in the bitter cold along Bloor St. W., Tom Zivcic thanked them for remembering his brother John and his family, and encouraged them to be safe. “Honestly, being remembered, it means a lot to our family. But at the end of the day, I...

Students Volunteer in Community Policing

A group of Humber College students stepped up to volunteer in their community as they pursue a career in the criminal justice field. A total of 37 new 22 Division Rover Crew members were invested on March 11 at the Toronto Police College. So far this school year, in matter...

Off-Duty Officers Rush into Burning Building

Off-duty officers from Toronto and York rescued a man from a burning building in early December. Toronto Constable Aidan Loughlin and York Regional Constable Justin Baird were leaving a restaurant in their hometown of St. Catharines when they noticed smoke in the air. They quickly located the a nearby building...



Inspiring Youth to New Heights

As a Neighbourhood Community Officer (NCO) in 22 Division, Constable Jermaine Watt was looking for ways to engage young people in his community. The holder of a pilot license the last 16 years, Watt chose aviation, as a unique way to connect with young people. “Flying is something I really...

Crime Prevention

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Community Resources


Notification of Intent to Hold a Parade

Notice of Demonstration

Book A Divisional Community Room

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Key Contacts

Acting Superintendent Jeff Bangild Unit Commander


Acting Inspector Dusan Pravica 2nd in Command


Acting Staff Sergeant Tom Tzikas Neighbourhood Officer Unit Manager


Find Your Neighbourhood Community Officer


Submit a Traffic Issue or Concern


22 Division Rover Crew Program

The 22 Division Rover Crew Program is designed to prepare young individuals for the future and encourgaes them to give back to the community. 


Report Illegal Parking


Contact 22 Division

24 hours/day, 7 days/week

3699 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M9A 1A2

Key Contacts

Location of the contact address on the map
