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Local News

Arrest in Murder After 26 Years

After 26 years, a team of investigators using genetic genealogy solved the murder of Donna Oglive. “With IGG (Investigative Genetic Genealogy) now anybody that committed sexual assault or homicides over the past 40 or 50 years – if they’re still alive – they’d be expecting a knock at their door...

Service Members Helping Others Over Holidays

Toronto Police Service members reached out to many people over the holidays providing much needed support and brining some special treats for kids. As part of its Christmas Toy Drive, Project Hope delivered new toys and essential items to 1,100 children and 500 adults who are newcomers to Canada on...

Toy and Clothing Drive Gives Hope to Newcomers

For the fourth year, Project Hope will deliver new toys and essential items as part of its Christmas Toy Drive that runs from November 10 to December 10. People are asked to drop off clothing, toiletries, school supplies to meet the day-to-day needs as well as toys to provide a...

Gun Seized by Officers on Directed Patrol

A loaded gun, drugs and cash were recovered by officers on a proactive patrol in St. Jamestown. “This is an example of great proactive policing and is a testament to the importance of intelligence-led policing,” said Superintendent Ishmail Musah, of the 51 Division arrest. “Intelligence-led policing dictated that these officers...



Crime Prevention

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Community Resources


Notification of Intent to Hold a Parade

Notice of Demonstration

Book A Divisional Community Room

Trespass Authorization Letter

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Key Contacts

Acting Inspector Errol Watson 2nd in Command


Staff Sergeant Todd Gowan Community Response Unit Manager


Find Your Neighbourhood Community Officer


Report Traffic Issue or Concern


Report Illegal Parking


Contact 51 Division

24 hours/day, 7 days/week

51 Parliament St., Toronto, ON M5A 2Y5

Key Contacts

Location of the contact address on the map
