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Local News

Awards for Brave, Dedicated Work

Toronto Police officers and civilian professionals who have demonstrated courage, compassion, dedication and innovation were recognized on September 25 at the Toronto Police College. “You are here today because you stepped up,” Chief Myron Demkiw said. “You went above and beyond. Your courage, resilience and compassion have had a positive...

Helping Journey to Recovery from Hurricane

Hurricane Beryl devastated several Caribbean islands, including St. Vincent & the Grenadines in early July. Retired York Regional Police Officer Tony Browne spearheaded the organization of a donation drive with support from Toronto Police Constables Curtis Celestine, of the Community Partnerships & Engagement Unit (CPEU), and Mustafa Popalzai, of 51...



Soon-to-be Retiree and Son Share Ride Along

Suffering a knee injury while playing baseball erased Adolfo Rengel’s hopes of becoming a uniformed police officer. The next best thing was to pursue a civilian role. While at a Costco checkout just over three decades ago and standing behind a woman who spoke Spanish, they started a conversation....

Seeking Help Identifying Human Remains

Note the details of this story can be disturbing: Toronto Police investigators are seeking the public’s help in identifying human remains found at Cherry Beach. On October 9, 2023 at around 10:19 a.m., police responded to a call for a suspicious event and located a human thigh near the water’s...

Crime Prevention

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Community Resources


Notification of Intent to Hold a Parade

Notice of Demonstration

Book A Divisional Community Room

Trespass Authorization Letter

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Key Contacts

Staff Sergeant Todd Gowan Community Response Unit Manager


Sergeant Stephen McGran Neighbourhood Community Officer Supervisor

Church-Yonge Corridor, Moss Park, North St.James Town, Regent Park, St. Lawrence-East Bayfront-The Islands, Downtown Yonge East
Mobile: 416-347-3397

Find Your Neighbourhood Community Officer


Report Traffic Issue or Concern


Report Illegal Parking


Contact 51 Division

24 hours/day, 7 days/week

51 Parliament St., Toronto, ON M5A 2Y5

Key Contacts

Location of the contact address on the map
