Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day - Toronto Police Service Ceremony

The last Sunday of each September is proclaimed by the Government of Canada to be Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day. Normally, Toronto Police Officers would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow officers from across the country at Parliament Hill for the ceremony. This year, because of pandemic restrictions, Interim Chief Jim Ramer and the Chief's Ceremonial Unit participated in a small scale ceremony recognizing the Toronto officers would made the ultimate sacrifice at the Toronto Police College. Toronto Police Chaplain Wendell Gibbs offered a prayer during the College ceremony and Chief's Ceremonial Unit Commanding Officers S/Sgt. Tyrone Hilton read the names of the fallen. "The event provides us all with an opportunity to reflect on the tragic losses that have occurred, but also to recognize the great work that is done each and everyday, and the positive impact that we are making in service of the public," Chief Ramer said.
