The Missing and Missed Implementation Team (MMIT) is a joint effort of Community Representatives and Police Representatives who meet regularly and publicly report on their efforts to the Toronto Police Services Board.

The current composition of the MMIT includes twenty-five (25) members comprised of both Community Representatives and Police Representatives, including members from the Toronto Police Service, and the Ontario Provincial Police.

MMIT Community Representatives:

Adrian Aziz
Graduated from the University of Toronto with a Doctorate in Social Justice Education. His academic background, volunteer experience and career experience allows him to apply multidisciplinary frameworks to promote change management within organizations.

Nicole Corrado
A visual artist on the autism spectrum. She is an active self-advocate within the Autistic community, and has lived experience with the missing persons process.

Gerald Mak
A seasoned professional with a background in strategy, finance, risk management, and information technology. Prior to joining the public sector, Gerald worked within the financial and professional services sectors leading transformation projects. Gerald holds a Commerce degree from the Ted Rogers School of Management, a Master of Communications Management degree from McMaster & Syracuse Universities and has completed various education modules at the Queen's School of Business, Institute of Corporate Directors, and the University of Toronto.

Michele Lent
Previously a 26-year member of the New York Police Department, a member of the Gay Officers Action League and a member of Judge Epstein’s Community Advisory Group.

Elizabeth McLean
Liz McLean conducts research on drug policy for a Toronto hospital. Liz has lived experience and is deeply embedded in Toronto’s harm reduction community. She has extensive experience providing services to people who use drugs and undertaking community-based research through Sherbourne Health Centre, Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre, and the University of Toronto.

Maureen Parkinson
Has managed various teams that investigate cases related to persons at risk of financial and/or physical abuse.  These vulnerable groups at times experience homelessness, a lack of financial resources and difficulty navigating the judicial and social services processes.

Stacy Rodriguez
An International Trade Specialist working with governments/organizations across diplomatic networks/borders.  She is an Ambassador of Caribbean Carnival, Culture and Emancipation.

Desmond Ryan
Has lived experience as a police officer and spent decades working with people experiencing homelessness and addiction, as well as those in the street-level sex trade, including Trans and marginalized sex trade workers.

Natalie Sitt
A Parole Supervisor with the Correctional Service of Canada brings experience working closely with Elders, Indigenous Liaison Officers and first-hand knowledge of how the justice system has impacted many Indigenous people.

Salim Somani
Has been engaged in voluntary leadership in a wide variety of organizations including leadership within the Ismaili Muslim Community and Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. In addition, Salim has for several years engaged with the Aga Khan Development Network in international development work and related capacity building and leadership training in East Africa, Northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Haran Vijayanathan
A Casey Award winner for work with HIV/AIDS and 2SLGBTQ+ communities, a member of Judge Epstein’s Community Advisory Group, and Missing and Missed Implementation Team Co-Chair.

Flora Vineberg
An Associate at Spring Law with a Masters in International Law and Human Rights, frequently represents sexual assault survivors, and a current member of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Committee.

MMIT Police Representatives:

Hannah Bartz
Detective Sergeant – Forensic Identification Services.

Lisa Crooker
Acting Staff Superintendent Specialized Emergency Response, and Co-Chair of 2SLGBTQ+ Chief’s Consultative Committee.

Laura Flyer
Acting Unit Commander Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights.

Justin Vender Heyden
Superintendent – Unit Commander of Specialized Criminal Investigations.

Donovan Locke
Superintendent – Unit Commander of 33 Division, former member of Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit.

Joe Matthews
Staff Superintendent – Detective Operations

Ishmail Musah
Superintendent – Unit Commander of 51 Division.

Anthony Paoletta
Acting Superintendent – Unit Commander of Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit.

Michael Patterson
Inspector – Information Technology Command.

Lauren Pogue
Deputy Chief – Community Safety Command – Co-Chair of Aboriginal Chief's Consultative Committee.

Paul Rinkoff
Acting Superintendent – Unit Commander of the Toronto Police College.

Chris Ruhl
Staf Sergeant – Community Safety Command.

Aly Virji
Manager – Governance Unit, MMIT Co-Chair.

Contact Missing and Missed Implementation Team

40 College St. Toronto ON M5G2J3

Key Contacts

Contact for MMIT Community Representatives: [email protected]

Unit Commander: Inspector Michael Williams

Location of the contact address on the map
