Specialized Criminal Investigations is comprised of four investigative units: Homicide, Hold Up, Sex Crimes, and Forensic Identification Services. Each of these units is staffed by highly trained and experienced criminal investigators who are responsible for carrying out investigations into the most sensitive and serious of offences.

The units within Specialized Criminal Investigations have each established reputations for excellence within the policing community, not only in Canada, but worldwide. Several investigators from these units provide training to other police agencies and frequently represent the TPS as instructors at international law enforcement conferences. The TPS is proud of this reputation.

Collectively members of Specialized Criminal Investigations are committed to the following goals:

  • Ensuring the safety and security of the citizens of Toronto
  • Assisting and supporting victims of crime
  • Performing thorough and professional criminal investigations, and (iv) bringing perpetrators of violent crimes to justice


Hate the Hate -- Report the Crime

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Contact Specialized Criminal Investigations
