Use of Force

Reported use-of-force is a key area mandated under the Anti-Racism Act. The Service started collecting the officers’ perceptions of an individual’s race for use-of-force interactions in January 2020; it released the first findings on June 15, 2022. The Service continues to update the analyses with new cycles of data and report findings to understand trends over time.

Reported use-of-force is a key area mandated under the Anti-Racism Act. This video will take us through data considerations, use-of-force context in police interactions, and the key findings.

Video Script - RBDC 2020 Findings - Use-of-Force: Measurement & Outcomes

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Video Deck - RBDC 2020 Findings Use-of-Force: Measurement & Outcomes

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RBDC Technical Report 2020 - Use of Force

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RBDC 2020 Findings

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