The Training Section is responsible for ensuring adequate training for members of FIS and operating the uniform Scenes of Crime Officer program. Member of FIS receive ongoing training in their duties from the Ontario and Canadian Police Colleges. Recent initiatives include having accredited Ontario Police College courses held at FIS.

This section is also responsible for presentations to police officers, crown attorneys, schools, colleges and universities. FIS currently has an intern program with the forensic science programs of two Ontario universities.


The SOCO Program

In 1991, the Metropolitan Toronto Police became the first police service in Ontario to receive accreditation from the province to teach the Scenes of Crime Officer course. Scenes of Crime Officers are attached to the platoons of every uniform division in the Service. They are taught crime scene investigation and photography skills to process less complicated crime scenes, perform forensic evidence collection and victim photography. SOCOs perform the majority of crime scene examinations in Toronto.

Contact Forensic Identification Services

Location of the contact address on the map
